Healthy Dessert Pairings with Coffee

Almond-Maple Energy Bites

“Carbohydrates give our bodies energy,” Sugiuchi explains. “You want your snack to be a good source of complex carbs—the ones that come packed with fiber.” These energy bites boast a healthy amount of carbs and taste absolutely heavenly with a dark roast.


Most Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries)

A basic rule regarding most berries is to combine them with coffees from Kenya, Ethiopia, or Uganda. In this pairing, the fruity notes of the coffee highlight the berry flavors.



Pumpkin Bread with Lemony Cream Cheese

Both Jones and Sugiuchi recommend this savory-sweet pumpkin bread, which includes enough protein and fiber to keep you feeling full until lunch, to enjoy with a cup of coffee. The nutmeg, brown sugar, and thyme perfectly offset your brew’s bitterness.

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